Benefits of Home-based Travel Agent Jobs

Monday, July 28, 2014

In the past, a 9 to 5 job was considered as the norm for travel agents. However, with the advent of the Internet and the rise of technological innovations like smartphones and tablets, more and more travel agents are able to do the tasks expected of them without having to step out of their homes. Here are the benefits of being a home-based travel agent:

More family time

Some corporate jobs are so demanding that workers don’t get to spend quality time with their families. Sometimes they have to stay late in the office and leave the kids with the babysitter or the nice next-door neighbors. If you work from home, you can be there for your kids when they need you.

Less commute, less gas expenses

Americans are said to spend an average of 50 minutes a day traveling to work. If you factor in being caught in heavy traffic jams during rush hour, heading to work is really a hassle. With home-based employment, you don’t have to worry about the commute, plus you save on gas.

More control

In a corporate setting, you are expected to follow certain company policies. With home-based work, you have full control of your time—as long as you make the necessary travel arrangements for your clients within the timeframe agreed upon. You can work for four hours straight and take as long as you want for your lunch or coffee breaks.


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